Opal, Blue Opal, Pink Opal, Precious Opal, Boulder Opal, Fire Opal, Andean Opal, Golden Opal, Dendritic Opal

Healing properties of Opal

  • Stone of fine vibration.
  • Stone of calm – teaches you that what you give out comes back.
  • Enhances cosmic consciousness and aids psychic/mystical visions.
  • Picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them and then returns into source.
  • If programmed can help you become noticeable or invisible so good with stealth is required such as dangerous places.
  • Amplifies thoughts and feelings and traits so that they come to the surface so that you can transform.
  • Enhances self-worth helping you understand your full potential allowing spiritual and physical growth.
  • Brings in lightness spontaneity.
  • Intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions so seen as good for love and passion and desire.
  • Need to be well scented before using Opal, else it may scatter your energies and make it difficult to deal with what is coming to the surface.
  • Good for healing the earth energy field - repairing, re-energising, and stabilising
  • Strengthens the will to live.
  • May help Parkinson's disease, infections, fevers and purified blood, kidneys and help clients.
  • Chakras: depends on colour
  • Element: earth, water for common opal; water for white precious opal storm for black precious opal; fire for Fire Opal;

Common Opal

  • Vibrates at a gentler pace to fiery opals to enhance the calming, soothing effects on emotions.
  • Helps connect to Spirit & purpose by healing Soul wounds.
  • Stone of Karma – teaches you that what you give out comes back and bring the ability to approach others without prejudice.
  • These are the ones without the flashes and sparkles of precious, Fire and Boulder opals.

Geological information

  • There are two main forms: the non-precious common opal and the internal fire flashing precious stone opal.
  • It is absorbent and reflective.
  • Can be delicate so do not wear precious stones in rings while doing washing-up.

Opal Precious
Centre of setting - Precious Opal

Additional Properties of Varieties

Andean Blue Opal

  • Promotes right action for highest good.
  • Stimulates communication from the heart.
  • Karmic healer quartz arising emotional wounds from any lifetime.
  • Useful journeying stone enhancing receptivity placing you in a mild trance to help with divination and metaphysical gifts.


Andean Pink Opal, Pink Opal

Opal Pink

Blue Opal

  • Common opal variety.
  • Emotional soother that realigns you to your spiritual purpose.
  • Resonates with throat chakra and enhances communication especially from that which was suppressed through lack of confidence .
  • Use to help resolve past life experiences or injuries that affect you in the present .


Boulder Opal

  • Precious opal variety


Dendritic Opal, Moss Opal

  • Common opal variety.

  • Enhances the achievement of personal goals and bring abundance and prosperity to one’s life.

  • Use connecting to nature and Nature spirits.

  • Helps when needed in entering relationships and group dynamics, allowing one to remain open and approachable in spite of bad experiences.

Fairy Opal - Queensland


Fire Opal

  • Precious opal variety.
  • Enhances personal power by awakening the inner fire.
  • Protects against danger.
  • Symbol of hope.
  • ExcellenceÂin business.
  • Energy amplifier.
  • Facilitates change and progress.
  • Good for situations of injustice and mistreatment as it supports through resulting turmoil.
  • Magnifies thoughts and feelings so the deep-seated feelings can be released even if there are past lives so good for letting go of the past however be careful may release bottle the emotions suddenly .
  • Resonates with the abdomen, lower back, and the triple burner meridian.
  • Said to him intestine is, kidneys, adrenal glands and eight burnout and stimulates sexual organs.
  • Use to re-energise and warming.

Opal Fire - unconfirmed - Fire Opal, Mexico

Opal Fire
Fire Opal, Mexico

Golden Opal - Congo

  • Allows the joyful experience expression of the emotions and imagination.
  • Encourages you to act upon yourÂdesires integrating and releasing old wounds that hold you back especially those of self-worth, self-esteem and self-identity.
  • Aligned to the golden flame brings through the truth of the Light that You Are linking, purifying and aligning Solar Plexus to the Crown chakra so that you can review and understand difficulties in your current life and move into more uplifting decisions about your way forward.
  • Helps activate the fire in the belly so that your passion for what is right becomes the spark to manifest your dreams on the planet.
  • Use to re-energise and warm.

White Opal, Hawaiian Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, natural Opalite, synthetic Opalite

  • It is a synthetic - that is it is man-made glass.

Opalite - Synthetic