Picking Crystals Part 2

Hi there again!

Here's more about picking crystals for you, your family or a friend. If you missed Part 1, read that first and then come back here.

Here's more ideas to make it easier for you to bring home the best crystals.

  1. One difficulty is that you may not have enough money to buy the crystal.
    1. Ask your parents if they will buy it for you. If you get a "no" then talk with them about how you could save your pocket money to buy it next month.
    2. Crystals are a great way for you to learn about how you can save up your money to buy really nice things. How you can do extra work and save faster.
    3. If you are worried that the crystal may be sold before you save up for it, talk to with the shop person if they will save it for you. Sometimes you may get a "yes", or that they can tell you that they have others that will be in stock when you have your money saved.
  2. Be friendly to the shop person and respectful of customers buying too. If you are feeling friendly and happy then your heart feels good and it's easier to pick crystals and to get help.
  3. Stay nice to your parents even when they won't buy it for you. You never get what you want if you are rude - would you buy something for a rude person?
  4. Start small - if you like lots of crystals, you can buy one each week if you buy the less expensive crystals. Then each week you can learn about the crystal you bought before buying the next one.
  5. Remember be very careful with crystals.
    1. Ask if you can pick them up. If you break them, the shop person will ask you to pay for them.
    2. Check if you should put them in sunshine or in water - you don't want them to fade or dissolve!

Welcome your crystals when you get them home to their new house. I always sit with them on the grass for 15 minutes so they can connect to Mother Nature and thank them for coming to play and help me. You invested you time and money in buying them so really enjoy having them!

Next newsletter: Picking Crystals - Part 3

Shamarah :-)