Getting Back in Balance

I feel the topic for this month is about being in balance. Why? Because I am sometimes way out of balance. Graham and I have become very myopic with business taking 90% of our attention despite our best efforts. And this happens to all of us, even when we consciously walk a middle path - being in the world earning an income and connecting to family & friends while also needing time out for ourselves using time to feel centred, time to heal old stories and time to explore what is "faith" that makes sense of why we are alive.

So what would I suggest for you if you feel out of balance? Just start to re-organise your time/your energy in small ways to bring it back - and if you believe in "something/someone out there" ask them to help. And don't beat yourself up for being out of balance. Don't spend time on regrets. Just start again as soon as you realise it - find one small thing you can immediately do, so you feel you have done something to support you back into balance.

Some actions:

  • Stand up and stretch and shake you body all over into waking up and releasing stuck energies and thought - watch your pets for tips on how to best do this.
  • Stop and watch you breathe - start really feeling yourself breathe back into peace.
  • Immediately make a decision to do something different (from the myriad of possibilities you've been pondering for the past year!) that will help with balance - in my case to give up dairy for breakfast and lunch (I can use soy milk, and chocolate is still allowed) and to avoid over whelming myself by trying to do all food changes at once.
  • Go stand in front of your crystals and feel which one would help you in this moment (if you are stuck my suggestions: Tigers Eye, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Rainbow Titanium Aura Quartz) and bring it back to the space you are working/sitting in or wear it (bracelet/pendant).
  • If it seems more than you can manage to get back into balance, book an healing session (massage, past life regression, energy healing/reiki/sound) - they do work wonders.


And be KIND to yourself. Everyone gets out of whack - you are not especially "bad" for going that way. Be responsible for getting yourself back to a better feeling space.

P.S. Don't forget Mother's Day - May 12 2013. Remembering special events like birthdays are often casulties of getting out of balance. Unfortunately that doesn't help relationships.

  • Simple action suggestion: Put an entry on two different days into you phone calendar & make it annual repeating event.


P.S. Don't forget I do energy healing - $88 for introductory session - 1 1/2 hours:

  • with sound, crystals, weaving and breaking agreements/affirmations.
  • past life regression - go back to old memeories to understand and heal them if they are holding you back in this life.